Our Blog

Since the launch of the iQcom customer portal, which was very well received by our customers and partners, there were two three suggestions for improvement, which we have now implemented for the integrated eShop and surface functions...
For nearly 15 years, everyone at our company - we are all macOS users without exception, not least for reasons that even SAP has noted, have relied on Apple Photos, at times on Apple Aperture and Adobe Light Room, both privately as users and as users in business.
We are music fans. And of course, we've been iTunes lovers since the very beginning, when Steve Jobs introduced his "Rip, Mix & Burn" version to not only put pressure on the music industry, but also turn it upside down.
iQcom relies on the Axelor Enterprise ERP/CRM & BMP solution and has just released the German localization for this powerful business software, which is slightly below SAP, but above all other business software solutions available on the market.
iQcom (Switzerland) GmbH & iQcom EurAsia LLC is convinced that the new iQPBX in release 16 offers features that are integrated in your subscription that are unique. Once again we have responded to customer requests.
In the meantime, a good 73% of the goods produced worldwide come from China, and this will not change in the medium term, even if some like to rattle the sabres.
And we moved the bar up again. Up to 80 KWh of energy storage for the home. Modular, of course.
qTeamsMeet has been enhanced to include new features both for integral solution from within the qTeams.io app, as well as from the webinar console...