By the way - This is how it can work with real investors
In addition to Credit Suisse, which published us in its internal OpportunityNet on February 16, 2023 for a recommendation as an investment opportunity of CHF 4 million, with our innovative software solutions as alternatives to Google and Microsoft, the newly established energy division, Silicon Valley Bank also had our full business plan as a result of inquiries from American investment firms such as Mucker Capital and Whatsapp and Facebook investor Steve Anderson himself, both prominent and heavyweight Silicon Valley Bank clients, in addition to a third party. This was on February 3, 2023, and included details of a new mobile OS and desktop OS. The response at the presentation to the third party, who we are not naming here, was: "Holy shit, disruptive cool stuff dude."
He was from the tech industry and wanted to move forward immediately.
Investors tend to discuss their next investments with the bank client advisor. In the case of Mucker Capital and Andersen, that was Silicon Valley Bank. And for the one who was a little quicker than the other two, because he also mentioned this in the web meeting , he would discuss this immediately with his asset manager and, if necessary, an acquaintance with whom he had often made other investments would also be involved. In the case of Mucker and Anderson, there was no response after the business plan was sent as a second file.
Shortly afterwards, the Israeli state pension fund withdrew USD 1.1 billion in cash from Silicon Valley Bank and four days later CHF 7.7 billion from Credit Suisse. There was radio silence from all parties involved. For over nine weeks. We've already known that there are intelligence agents in the banks since the ominous tax CD stories. And we could also blow another real bombshell regarding Intell and financial institutions in the Swiss financial center... But maybe it was pure coincidence, wasn't it? We love coincidences. They are much easier to digest. And of course, you shouldn't take yourself so seriously. That would be fine with us. We liked Credit Suisse.
We will know exactly after the unusually long blocking period that has been imposed on the Credit Suisse case, i.e. in just under 40 years. Until then, it is and will remain a funny conspiracy theory. Our children will then be able to enjoy the report, hopefully at an age when they have children of their own.
Communication with the people involved fell silent as soon as the fail became known, both in the US context and to our corporate client advisor at Credit Suisse at the time, who had called in the Credit Suisse investment department internally due to the degree of innovation, as she and her team colleagues had classified it as promising. A call was even scheduled to answer questions.
It was not until nine weeks after the Credit Suisse stumble became known that we received a reply from her deputy. The lady was temporarily absent and UBS AG had closed the very successful Credit Suisse OpportunityNet as one of its first actions, and we would be contacted in due course with an equivalent UBS product once the takeover had been completed. However, this would take time (at least a year) and we could then jointly determine whether and to what extent our case was still relevant. He said he was sorry, but circumstances had changed, as we would certainly have learned from the media.
We have been told that only very few companies make it into Credit Suisse's OpportunityNet, a non-public platform for very wealthy and institutional investors.
The fact that our customer advisor was no longer available may also have been due to the fact that she had got married shortly before and had changed her name. Perhaps she was also looking forward to it, we don't know. At a later stage, she replied that someone else was now responsible for us, much more reserved than before, but with the closing words: "I'm not worried that you will achieve your goals. You are extremely innovative and well positioned."
Of course, we also know that Credit Suisse's dilemma with "First Boston", which it incorporated in order to expand its investment banking business, goes back much further, and that after initial profits, it only made losses in the high billions. The American government virtually "ordered" the Swiss government to wind up Credit Suisse so that no further damage would be caused to the American market by the bankruptcy of Credit Suisse First Boston, as it could have become a second Lehman Brothers. In other words, the billions provided by the Swiss government and the Swiss National Bank did not go directly to Credit Suisse, but to Credit Suisse First Boston Investment Bank in the USA.
Industry experts speak of a betrayal by the Swiss authorities to the USA: https://rtde.online/meinung/231018-verraten-an-usa-2017-stand/
Cover-up and responsibility: Credit Suisse and the dark shadows of the Nazi past: https://rtde.online/schweiz/231710-vertuschung-und-verantwortung-credit-suisse-dunkle-schatten-der-nazi-vergangenheit/
Swiss banker Hans Peter Brunner drops a bombshell and shakes up the financial sector: https://rtde.online/schweiz/231961-abrechnung-im-1mdb-skandal-schweizer/
Downfall of Credit Suisse: How FINMA tolerated corruption for 15 years: https://rtde.online/schweiz/231133-untergang-credit-suisse-wie-finma/
If you don't like RT Deutsch, you can find similar articles on https://inside-paradeplatz.ch
But all's well that ends well. Now what was left to save is in UBS AG, whose CEO is BlackRock's largest single shareholder, just behind BlackRock founder Larry Fink. He thus holds more shares as a private individual in BlackRock than the Swiss National Bank does.