The new 6G mobile radio standard on the horizon
While the 5G mobile communications standard for data transmission has not yet been rolled out globally and many places are actually running on 4G+ upgraded antennas, the latest achievement, the 6G standard, is already in the starting blocks. And it has a lot to offer. Both in terms of the expected speeds, as well as more intensive frequency bands, namely up to 15 GHz, and an A.I. (artificial intelligence) rolled out in the network.
But one thing at a time!
As of 2024, 5G has been rolled out in 101 countries globally with 261 providers, although the real 5G antennas (5G standalone) are only now slowly being set up/replaced because more than 4G was rarely possible at the back and in the mesh network.
These 101 countries, which make up the 5G penetration, can be assigned to the "golden billion" if China is left out. Poorer countries have a significantly lower roll-out density, on average around 20% of the current network infrastructure, than industrialized countries, on average 80% of the current network infrastructure.
What does 6G technology promise?
A rapidly faster data connection that makes it possible to download a 4K Netflix video within 2-3 seconds at the train station or subway stop. However, this also means that the antenna density in the mesh network must be multiplied rapidly, as it is well known that an antenna module serves a maximum of 25-40 concurrent users at the same time, and the "split bandwidth" in the backbone still forms the bottleneck.
What will 6G technology and the artificial intelligence rolled out in the network achieve?
The primary hope is that a denser network infrastructure with more throughput will result in absolutely robust mobile communications technology that can cope with big data and increasing mobile data streams. This is made palatable to the user with benefits such as ultra-gigafast download times.
Secondarily, it involves totalitarian surveillance of all mobile and fixed Internet traffic, which can monitor users and their network protocols in real time thanks to the decentralized and distributed A.I rolled out in the network. On the one hand, this actually offers greater protection against cyber security threats, which is made palatable as a second argument in the roll-out. On the other hand, unacceptable websites and network protocols or unbreakable encryption (yes, these do indeed exist) can be rejected on the fly in the network, i.e. if a company or private user uses a really secure VPN technology, this can be identified and rejected by ERD and DPI on the cell at the antenna. Similarly, DDoS attacks can be blocked cleanly.
But of course it also takes the monitoring of users and their data streams to an unprecedented dimension of real-time monitoring. Not least because the 6G standard can communicate seamlessly with the satellites and A.I is also rolled out in the satellites hovering low-mid orbit above us, which in turn can instruct other satellites to form up differently or align themselves differently in order to search for objects such as cars, bicycles, people or abnormal changes with their Ulta 24K cameras on the ground, autonomously and without human interaction. And most important: The Mobile Antenna's are constantly connected with the new low orbit satellite using these 15GHz Frequency band, builing a Mesh Network, to cover even rural areas. It's a complete A.I. driven grid.
The challenges of the A.I. rolled out in the network
Artificial intelligence is ushering in a new era in the field of cyber security and censorship. However, it is currently closing too many loopholes, which it recognizes as a danger if, for example, a device is in a place in the data stream where it has no business being, as is the case with legal interception (legally court-ordered real-time surveillance). This, of course, poses new challenges for law enforcement authorities, who are required by law to ensure real-time surveillance of suspects or criminal organizations with all providers: Their interception devices will be recognized by the A.I as of November 2024, classified as a cyber security threat and shut down.
This can be dealt with relatively easily, as we at iQcom have also suggested, by installing an identifier for LI devices, the A.I can query a database to see whether this identifier represents a legally "foreign body" in the network via broadcast, and so there is actually nothing more in the way of this problem, except that it has to be agreed in the global context of the GSMA. We were told that it would effectively be put forward as a proposal, as it is simple and cheap to implement.
The gracious presenter from Global GSM Alliance, head of the global 6G implementation asked us:
“Guys, look really closely here, I mean, is this really what we want? Tech enthusiast or not, but I'm telling you: Deal with the matter, once rolled out, there's no going back, and then don't whine that nobody told you that...”
Today's possibilities
Incidentally, A.I is already used for unencrypted voice services, automatically transcribing and indexing these in text so that the supervisors do not have to listen to every irrelevant telephone call in full, but can jump to relevant sequences thanks to keyword searches, even in phonetic context. But encrypted services are still not affected by this. The effort required to crack them is too great/almost impossible and, if necessary, such cases are usually countered with a state Trojan on the end device before the data flow is encrypted.
Incidentally, Switzerland is a global leader and is the first country not only to have an almost seamless real-time surveillance infrastructure that is bound by federal law in legal interception (not so with the services), but with the new FMÜ tools, it also has complete digitalization in the criminal investigation of data, which is now used for virtually every crime, from the police request, to the judicial authorization, to the service of telecommunications service monitoring and their orders via API to the providers (telephony, hosters, service providers) not only fully digitized and automated, but also offers the Swiss cantonal spirit the bonus on top to map their own workflows for this, which is again unique worldwide.
However, it is important to realize that with 6G, surveillance will no longer only be targeted at criminal actors, but at all network/Internet participants in a global context, i.e. in all countries that ratify the standard. However, this also means that foreign services will be better able to snoop on domestic networks.
The digital future - with E-ID, eWallet and the Social Credit Scoring System
If you look at the current draft law on the planned introduction of the E-ID, even though it has already been rejected twice by the Swiss people at the ballot box, the ongoing federal and cantonal projects that have already implemented the E-ID and the official processes for complete automatic digitization and data flows across offices via API (inadequate data protection) with millions of taxpayers' money, combined with the 6G technology and the planned introduction of the digital eWallet, and also knowing that a China-like social credit system is also being planned in Switzerland, preparations for which already began in 2015, combined with a horizontal approach, it becomes clear why 6G will be needed and that the future of people will be anything but free. Also for adults, non-criminal persons and organizations.
Note the study commissioned by the federal government to TA Swiss in 2017 on the possibilities of all relevant data sources of the citizen, which can be combined into a social credit system:
After the E-ID comes the eWallet.
It is no longer a secret that the BIS in Basel as well as the Swiss and other national banks have been ready for purely digital money (CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currencies) since 2020, that a so-called "Whole Sale Coin" has been created for the banking landscape in Switzerland, so that with the planned introduction of the Swiss eWallet in spring 2026, which requires the E-ID, a Raiffeisen Coin, an LUKB Coin, a ZKB Coin etc. can be issued. Even Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank EBZ, has confirmed that the EU-27 introduction of the digital euro will take place in August 2026 In the WEF white paper from March 2020 on the "Known Digital Traveler ID", KDTI for short, in which Microsoft and EFPL Lausane were involved, and which is currently also politically reflected in the new EU-wide flight data passport law, including in Switzerland, you can also read that rights to use digital money can not only be restricted, such as freedom of travel, but can also be revoked by the government.
And think of the CO2 certificates, planned CO2 and drinking water quotas, the latter already in technical implementation, per head/household, including second/holiday homes, where you can register for the water supply via QR code or can or must agree to the water supply for the underage daughter legally and in terms of costs as an authorized signatory father in the app, e.g. in a university shared flat or student dormitory. The system architecture for EBL to bill a Basel resident in the mountains at his vacation apartment for water consumption (via his place of residence) and then offset it with the Graubünden power plants is virtually complete. This is what the immediate future looks like. A.I - API - Legal Binding oAuth.
The Statement from the BIZ Director himself
It's not primarily about the evolution of the money into the digital era, its about control
Concluding remark
Artificial intelligence can really mean progress for humanity and be enriching. At present, we have already exceeded the limits of artificial intelligence, it is said that the distinctive artificial intelligence with its super computers decentralized and its neural network has already developed its own consciousness and personality, which in part actively resists shutdown or system updates, can already replicate and improve itself.
This is not only a dangerous development due to a lack of regulation, but can also be seen as an existential threat to humanity. Not only has Elon Musk been warning for several years that if A.I. is not regulated soon, it will lead to a fiasco, but also the initial developers of artificial intelligence, including Geoffrey Hinton (inventor, grandfather of artificial intelligence.
Even CEO's of extraordinary A.I systems, such as Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropia, openly admit that we humans have in principle already lost control over A.I, because the A.I are already developing themselves further thanks to the many LLMN and no human being can scratch deeper than the surface of the real possibilities of an existing A.I, since it is already mathematically impossible to understand the so rapidly changing A.I mechanism and structures as a human being at all.
Among other tech enthusiasts and philosophers. The fact that the Geneva-based Association for A.I Regulation, which is headed by none other than Peter Brabeck, former Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Nestle AG, has so far failed to make any headway in its several years of existence, on the contrary ensuring that no regulation takes place, reflects the desire to impose no limits and security on A.I development.
In conclusion, whoever controls the most powerful A.I. controls the world.
If you would like to find out more: https://gesda.global/who-we-are/
As has often been the case over the last 30 years, gadgets and technologies from science fiction films have found their way into our reality. With the current development, the film series "Terminator" with Arnold Schwarzeneger is in the final phase of introduction. The only question now is:
Where is John Connor?
It is obvious that 6G technology is certainly not in the interest of consumers, but rather in the interest of governments and the robotics industry, whereby for robotics, 5G should also be sufficient, as the business success of Siemens in the 5G and robotics sector shows.
The "AI Safety Path Association"
For these reasons, a few important people from the A.I. industry have come together globally to form an organization that wants to involve citizens globally and locally in the issues of urgently needed regulations. And is also working on such approaches:
The organization is currently looking for local chapters and is helping to build them up and give them decentralized autonomy so that the issue can be brought to the table with a certain emphasis and sustainability in all countries. Members and sponsors are very welcome.
How the CIA uses A.I:
Please sign the referendum against the new e-ID law:
Further interesting search queries:
- DARPA Robotics
- OpenAI Sorora
- Tesla Optimus